Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Top Mom's of Etsy 2013

It's been ages since I posted.  I'm still here, but my focus has shifted all over the place for several months now.  Blogger is no longer in the backseat; it's left the vehicle entirely.  My days are spent in middle school.  I'm working on getting back to evenings and weekends in my workshop prepping for winter shows.  Much change has been afoot in the life of my family.  With a little luck, I'll snap some shots this weekend for the shop.

I was sharing the glory of a honor on Facebook and decided to mention it here as well.  I'm proud to be in the best of company in this year's Top 25 Moms of Etsy (2013).  Feeling thankful to be included among women whose work I've admired for many years.  Thank you!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Buckets in the shop

I just listed two block-printed linen & canvas buckets in my shop.  My shop hasn't seen many new listings for a while.  You may recall I rarely take product photos in the winter, in favor of focusing on shows and surrendering to the weather.  Now that the sun has come back to the Pac NW,  I just might make some photo opportunities.  Really a dry, overcast day and a weeded yard is what I need to make those photos happen.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

DIY kids: Pin-head People

Though long absent, this bloggy world is far from forgotten. Just relegated to the backseat of late.  I hope to now get back to popping in a bit more, weekly perhaps.  May the awakenings of Spring add a little oomph to your life.

And if your kidlings aren't already on it, get them to stat!  My 6 year old has been completely smitten.  She's a badge-motivated kind of girl.  I love that it is 100% from the kids.

 look at those gorgeous eyes and heart-shaped mouth.  by Iris

this is Kitty Girl.  She was gifted to me by Iris.

Ruby's signature dramatic eyes. 

English riding style - maybe channeling a little Angus Young.
 She sports tan jodhpurs and a tie.  by Ruby

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Poppytalk Lookbook: Love Transforms

As usual, Poppytalk's latest lookbook, does not disappoint.  This time around they've partnered with talented Pacific NW photographer James Moes.  The book features his work from a shoot in Machu Picchu paired with pieces from the current Poppytalk market, Love Transforms.  Be sure to take a peek at page 35.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Pintucks with pink, not putrid

It's an unspoken rule in my life, when it comes to clothing, that I don't do pink.  I'll admit to owning a salmon colored down jacket, as it was the only deep discount color.  After a multi-year love affaire with pink, my youngest daughter, Iris, has wholly rejected it for close to two years now.  So, out of concern that I may have subconsciously withheld pink from my girls (my 9-yr-old has never embraced it) or perhaps spoke ill it in its myriad hues, I embarked on a mini campaign to help pink regain it's stature in Iris's eye.  My goal was to be sure she wasn't condemning it on my account.  Mission accomplished.

This weekend, while finishing up a small batch of my pintuck dresses, I was pleased that Iris suggested pink as a printing color to pair with dark brown linen.  And a pink kitty at that, but of course!  I heeded her recommendation and managed to produce one - one feels like plenty to me - pink kitty cat printed dress.  It's not even a lovely pale shade of pink.  Nope.  It's screaming cotton candy pink.  Let's hope it's just what one special little girl is looking for at next weekend's show.  Maybe it will grow on me.  But as my mother once said, I seem to be drawn to those putrid colors.

within comfort zone vs. outside of comfort zone

dark earth linen with pink on ivory hemp/organic cotton

ginger linen with graphite on ivory hemp/organic cotton

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Showtime! Winter Festival & Fatto A Mano (FAM)

Wow but 7 months goes quickly!  It was April when I last posted.  In short, life has been busy.  Lots of change and much remains the same.  And now, the holiday season is upon us.  I have two shows coming up in the next couple of weeks.  If you make it to either, please do come say hello.  

Next weekend, Dec. 1 & 2,  I'll be at the PNA's Winter Festival, again, here in Seattle.  I love this show.  It's intimate, close to home, people are friendly, I have delightful neighbors and my kids can easily visit in search of treasures for themselves and to gift to others.  This year, I'll arrive extra early both days, before doors open to the public, so that I too get to check off my handmade gift list.

The PNA is an organization I am proud to support, and I'm again honored to get to show at Winter Festival.  The Festival supports PNA programs such as the PNA Hot Meal Program (formerly known as the PNA Soup Kitchen), before and after school child care, the Greenwood Senior Center, the tool library and the art gallery as well as community projects for neighbors in need and the Greenwood Food Bank.

More info here:

The following weekend, on Dec. 8, I'll be at the 9th Annual F.A.M. Show, alongside 9 talented artisans.  It would be a joy to simply spend time in the company of these women; to exhibit with them is a massive bonus.   I'll hope to see you there!

Fatto a Mano (FAM) is Italian for handmade.  FAM showcases a boutique collection of dynamic female artisans.  Founded by Roberta Torgerson in 2003, in collaboration with long standing artists Andrea Kohler, Shamila Jiwa and Ja Teuber featuring exclusive and exquisite design, made affordable by the intimate and private setting.

Currently in its 9th year, FAM creates a warm space to establish long-lasting relationships between the talented artisans and the appreciative clientele. Each year the addition of new designers enhances the caliber of FAM, making it a treasured event patronized by Seattle’s most discerning shoppers. It is a much anticipated holiday event to shop for unique gifts year in year out.

FAM 2012 Designers:

Roberta Torgerson
Elegant Hand-Kitted Scarves

Andrea Kohler:
Fine Book-Binding and Paper Works

Meredith MacLeod:
Artful Greetings Branching out

Shamila Jiwa:
Distinctive Gemstones and Precious Metals

Ja Teuber:
Letterpressed Cards and Calendars

Tamila Morgan:
Organic Bath, Body, Face and More!

Jewelry & Metal Design

Trilby Hainstock:
Modern Jewelry, Tea Towels and Prints

Julie Lyderson-Jackson:
Block-Printed & Natural Fiber Textiles

Michele Jaillett Chui:
Heirloom Silk Baby Comforters

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring Break is over and we've mostly survived

The kids head back to school tomorrow.  Well, one of them does.  I'm thinking it's a good time for that.  Our Spring break has been what many might consider typical.  Mom trying to accomplish work and peacefully coexist with her lovely beasts for 216 consecutive hours.  I've felt cruddy since yesterday, and that compromises my already severely compromised reserve of patience.

Jumbled in among the more stressful elements of the past week, and weekends, were some enjoyable times as well.  It was certainly not a total loss.  Just didn't make it into the Top 10 of Spring Breaks.

Photo highlights of the past 36 hours:
Evidence of homemade 'chalk paint' tableaux.  Made from equal
parts water & corn starch, plus food coloring.  The rich, vivid
colors had already been massively diluted.

Both girls are now great fans of the glove.  Not the game - just the glove.  Iris would
be game for toss all day long.  If only she could get the ball off the ground
I love a great thriller.  This one did not disappoint.  Notice how the  New York
 endorses this film as the best of its kind since Tell No One?
Coincidentally, that is the other thriller I was recently equally impressed by.
Not finished yet, but I love this book.  I thoroughly
appreciate Augusten Burrough's sense of humor.
A cluster of linen rosettes in lemonade and iced tea with wool
leaves.  I managed to accomplish just a little bit that I might consider
work related, today, while outside in the lovely weather.
It's fairy house season again.  Ruby, however, says she no
longer believes in fairies and calls this a spirit house.
The loft features a cozy bed.
The Eagles' Nest
Iris's two-story fairy house awaiting its
new residents and their wares.

"I can hardly wait to move it!"
A new start.  Life slowly unfurling
throughout the fairy forest.